Lisa James
Website & Information Manager
[email protected]
Lisa graduated from Arizona’s Project CENTRL, the CENTer for Rural Leadership in 2009. She has been attending ILAC since then and served on the planning committee when Arizona hosted ILAC in 2011. She also served as the Reporter for the CENTRL Alumni Council (2009 - 2017), gathering stories and information to produce two alumni newsletters per year.
As a Grant Program Manager and Commodity Council Administrator for the Arizona Department of Agriculture, her experiences with Project CENTRL and ILAC have broadened her knowledge of agriculture which helps her relate better to the grantees and council members she serves. She is certified in Federal Grants Management and Public Administration.
Lisa enjoys travel, country music events and camping with her family.
Are you interested in hosting an ILAC? Or would you like to join the ILAC Advisory Board?
We are always looking for new ideas and ways to improve the ILAC experience. If you have any suggestions please let us know.